Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Friends,
We had such a great time at our Community Dinner Monday night. What did you see? Let's share some stories.
Did you see....
The hungry being fed?
Wonderful volunteers serving others selflessly?
Diverse people coming together and sharing a meal and their lives across all kinds of barriers?

These are often the first things we see at an event like our Community Dinner.
Let me encourage you to see beneath the surface....
Did you see.....
Your neighbors ravaged by life on the streets being welcomed as brothers and sisters...and making a contribution themselves....
People traditionally seen as "resourced" with time, talent, and treasure, being surprised and blessed by those they came to serve....
A struggling single mom being awakened to the truth of the Gospel as she uses her gifts to serve others...
A family often labeled as "needy" recognizing they have talents to contribute to a Gospel movement much bigger than themselves...
A lonely woman grateful for food, but hungering for so much more...
Did you see that stuff?

Now let me encourage you to see the future and pray for God's transformative power to be at work in us and through us with our neighbors. Dream with me!

Do you see....
Your neighbors healed and whole, and helping lead a recovery program for others ravaged by life on the streets...
Many more "resourced" people bringing and teaching others about recognizing the dignity and gifts of all others, and doing ministry with them, rather than for them...
That single mom opening a local cafe that employs and serves those hungry for food and much more- for meaning, belonging, working, sharing life with neighbors, and Gospel transformation...
That "needy" family spearheading a jobs training program that specializes in immigration issues...
That woman belonging to a loving family that worships and serves together, and frees her to respond in love to the deeper hunger of others...

Do you see the Gospel of Jesus Christ breaking out all over our neighborhood because God is already at work among our neighbors? He has given so much to so many who need to be gathered and encouraged and helped to see the movement of God's Spirit and their part in it. Will you pray with me for that?

I thank God for each of you. We appreciate your prayers and support so much. Your partnership is vital to Bridge of Life.
Please pray for:
* Our Community Dialogue on Racism this Friday
* Sports 4 Life sign-ups happening now!
* Our Easter service/Egg hunt/Pot Luck April 4 at 1 PM at Stanford Settlement

Please check out this link to Robert Lupton's recent book about "rethinking ministry to the poor" You can read the first few pages- very ancouraging and challenging! Our leadership team is going to be studying some of the concepts from in the coming weeks. Thanks for your prayers.

Go Well,

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing your vision for the community. The Gospel does change lives which changes families in return changing work places, churches and communities. I will pray with you for Jesus Christ to redeem every square inch of greater Natomas. God bless you richly, Pastor David!
